Faster AST Creation at Renewals


We have introduced an enhancement to streamline the creation of Assured Shorthold Tenancies (ASTs) during the renewal process by incorporating Common Clause templates. This update significantly accelerates the renewal process by allowing for the quick insertion of commonly used clauses, ensuring consistency and saving time.

You can now speed up the creation of ASTs at renewals by utilizing Common Clause templates directly within the renewal AST functionality. Available templates include frequently used clauses such as Parking Clauses, Landlord and Tenant Break Clauses, and Pet Clauses. Additionally, you can add your own custom clauses to these templates.

Previously, these Common Clauses were only accessible when creating agreements for new tenancies. With this update, your enabled Common Clauses, including any bespoke ones, are now also available in the Tenancy Renewals area of BOX. This eliminates the need to copy and paste clauses from the original tenancy agreement.

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    Thanks for your interest. If you need some help with your referencing or other services, please check out the Tenants area of our website here. If you still need some assistance, drop us a message and our Tenant Support team will be happy to help.

    Thanks for your interest in Box. If you need some help with your insurance policy or other services, our Landlord Support Team will be happy to help. Please call us on 0345 450 9903 or send us a message.
