From 1st October 2022 the adjusted Right to Rent rules that allowed checks to be completed using Zoom calls and without seeing documents in person will end. Instead, agents wanting to offer a digital solution to UK and Irish nationals must use an Identity Service Provider (IDSP) in order to verify their right to rent. To meet the requirements of this new legislation we’re partnering with HooYu, one of the first IDSPs to receive government certification. Our new solution verifies the authenticity of applicant identity documents and uses facial biometrics and liveness detection to check the applicant is the person shown on their photo ID documents. That means for British & Irish nationals you no longer need to see their physical passports or store copies. We are also introducing a new enhanced identity verification check and Anti-Money Laundering checks which include PEPs & Sanctions and adverse media checks. To find out more about how our Know Your Customer products can support your right to rent checks please contact your Client Relationship Manager or email

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