
Released | 06.09.2024 System Release Notes | Rent and Legal Compliance Enhancement Release Overview: A new feature has been released to enhance compliance when adding a Rent and Legal Protection policy. Now, if you attempt to activate a Rent and Legal Protection for properties with rents exceeding £100,000 a year, BOX will flag a warning to prevent you accidentally adding cover. This will prevent non-assured tenancies, which cannot be covered under your Rent and Legal Protection policy, from being added in error. Plus, when it’s a Let Only tenancy, Rent and Legal Protection can only be purchased if you have a regular rent review clause in place with your landlords. To ensure you comply with policy requirements, BOX will now prompt users when they add cover for let only tenancies. Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 06.09.2024 System Release Notes | Enhanced Communication Options for Tenants Release Overview: Release Overview:We have enhanced the tenant application process. Now, tenants will get clearer prompts when completing their application form, to allow them to specify a co-tenant, friend or family member that they would like us to be able to communicate with about their application progress if needed. This streamlined process for granting permission for other people to receive updates on their behalf will help to ensure tenants are fully informed and, for sharers, will mean we can talk to one person about all the applicants for that property (assuming they’ve provided their permission). Talk To Us Today!

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    Thanks for your interest. If you need some help with your referencing or other services, please check out the Tenants area of our website here. If you still need some assistance, drop us a message and our Tenant Support team will be happy to help.

    Thanks for your interest in Box. If you need some help with your insurance policy or other services, our Landlord Support Team will be happy to help. Please call us on 0345 450 9903 or send us a message.
