Open Banking

Released | 29.11.2024 System Release Notes |  Proof of Inventory Issue Release Overview: We’ve introduced a feature to streamline your inventory record keeping. When an inventory is issued at Step 7, a PDF document will automatically be created to provide proof that it was issued and who it was issued to. This document will be added to the zip folder in the Tenancy Agreements left menu section once the agreement is fully signed. Key Features: 1. Instant Access | Instantly access the record within BOX showing who the inventory was sent to and when. The PDF also shows how many days the tenant(s) were given to report any issues. Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 15.11.2024 System Release Notes |  Document Handling and Referencing Process Enhancements Release Overview: The document requirements on both traditional and DIY referencing application forms have been updated with more detailed descriptions. This enhancement allows the system to categorise uploaded documents more accurately (e.g., as payslips or tenancy agreements), improving the efficiency of automated chasing. To ensure accuracy, we are removing the options to provide documents by email, fax, or post. Documents will only be uploaded directly through the system, either immediately or at a later time. Key Features: 1. Income Verification Improvements | – Tax Return Validation | An additional question has been added to confirm the date of tax returns. If a tax return is over 12 months old, the system will automatically request additional verification through bank statements or open banking.– Benefit Specification | A new dropdown field will allow applicants to quickly specify which benefits they receive.– Pension Details | Another dropdown field will enable applicants to specify the type of pension. If a private or workplace pension is selected, they must also specify the provider’s name. 2. Document Management Interface Update | The ‘Documents’ section of the referencing pages has been renamed to better guide both our team and DIY agents. This section now clearly indicates which documents are required, which are awaiting review, and the outcome of reviewed documents. It also allows for feedback to be provided directly within BOX. 3. Automated Reminders and Notifications | If a document is rejected, a reminder email is triggered (if not already sent within the last 24 hours) and a notification appears on the tenant dashboard with feedback from our team. Non-DIY agents can view a ‘read-only’ version of this section to see what is required. Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 01.11.2024 System Release Notes | Dynamic maximum deposits Release Overview: For our agents managing properties in Wales, we’ve introduced a new dynamic feature for setting the maximum allowable deposit. Key Features: 1. Dynamic deposit limits by location | BOX now features an integrated postcode search function that identifies the property’s location and automatically sets the maximum deposit limit in line with regional regulations. 2. Automated compliance | With this update, agents can ensure deposits remain compliant with local guidelines without needing to manually adjust limits. The system’s automation reduces the risk of regulatory oversight and saves time. 3. Enhanced user experience | With this update, agents can ensure deposits remain compliant with local guidelines without needing to manually adjust limits. The system’s automation reduces the risk of regulatory oversight and saves time. Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 01.11.2024 System Release Notes | GUIDs on fully signed ASTs Release Overview: Expanding on our previous feature to apply GUIDs to fully signed tenancy agreements, we are shortly to implement GUIDs to all documents sent to tenants when preparing a let or renewal, enhancing document tracking and evidencing which documents tenants have received. Key Features: 1. What is a GUID? | A GUID is a ‘Globally Unique Identifier’, and we’ve now assigned one to each of the documents you send to your tenants, such as the How to Rent guide, gas safety certificate and the EPC. 2. Proof of Issue | The GUIDs will be displayed within the PDF proof of issue when you send documents when creating the tenancy on BOX, and for documents sent with the tenancy agreement the GUIDs will be displayed in a new Tenancy Documents appendix coming soon – watch this space! Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 18.10.2024 System Release Notes | Open Banking Enriched Data Release Overview: We are introducing a new feature that will allow us to support increased open banking adoption from tenants. While our Open Banking checks continue to lead the industry, with an impressive 80% of tenants providing consent via BOX, a small number of eligible tenants still choose not to consent. Open Banking is a government-backed initiative that allows tenants to securely share their financial records directly from their online bank account. This process enhances transparency and gives tenants full control over their data while significantly speeding up the referencing process by using accurate, verified financial information. Importantly, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring that the data used is true and unaltered. We look forward to continuing to streamline your tenant referencing process with these enhancements! Key Features: 1. Non-Consent Analysis | We’ve introduced a new feature that analyses reasons for non-consent, helping us identify and address any concerns tenants may have on open banking. This feature aims to further increase the consent rate, and we appreciate your support in communicating the benefits of Open Banking to your tenants. 2. New “How To” Video | To help tenants understand the Open Banking process and its benefits, we’ve created a new instructional video. Feel free to share this resource with your tenants to make the process even smoother. Talk To Us Today!

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Released | 01.10.2024 System Release Notes | BOX interface overhaul and dashboard enhancements Release Overview: BOX is undergoing a visual transformation, featuring a more modern look and feel. The next phase of this update focuses on enhancing the Agent and Applicant dashboards to maximise user-friendliness and efficiency. These updates are designed to streamline your workflow, whilst making it easier for you and your tenants/guarantors to manage and track your tenancies within BOX, and complete tasks more efficiently. Key Features: 1. Refreshed Design | The visual transformation of the dashboard features a more modern look and feel and maximises user friendliness and efficiency. Plus, as we promised the contemporary design that BOX now sports is making navigation smoother and more intuitive. 2. Staged roll-out | This feature is part of a staged rollout, and so the dashboard changes you’re seeing today represent just part of the transformations we’re making to BOX. We’ll let you know when the next stage is due to be rolled out. Talk To Us Today!

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    Thanks for your interest. If you need some help with your referencing or other services, please check out the Tenants area of our website here. If you still need some assistance, drop us a message and our Tenant Support team will be happy to help.

    Thanks for your interest in Box. If you need some help with your insurance policy or other services, our Landlord Support Team will be happy to help. Please call us on 0345 450 9903 or send us a message.
