Building Safety Offence Fines
A recent court case resulted in a landlord being forced to pay £3,287 for failing to conduct necessary repairs to a rental home, serves as a useful reminder for agents and landlords about the importance of keeping properties in good order.
After an inspection from the council, it was found that a privately rented home in Bridlington, didn’t have adequate heating and insulation, had a dangerous staircase, a faulty fire alarm and lacked a suitable lock on the main entrance door.
The council served improvement notices on the landlord which contained Category 1 and 2 hazards, which consisted of fire and excess cold; however the landlord failed to comply with both of them.
The council’s private sector housing team took the landlord to court, and as he failed to attend the hearing a decision was made in his absence.
The landlord was fined a total of £3,287, broken down as follows:
- £660 for each improvement notice served on him
- £1,439 in costs
- £528 victim surcharge
The court found that the flat contained hazards which presented a real danger to the vulnerable tenant who was residing in the home, as well as to her visitors and pregnant daughter.
Chris Dunnachie, of East Riding and Yorkshire Council said: “Throughout this case, officers have tried to work with the landlord, however his failure meant the council had to undertake emergency works to a dangerous staircase as a priority. Landlords should not be profiting from renting unsafe homes. The council does, and will continue to, take robust action when the safety of tenants is put at risk due to serious hazards from the properties they are living in.”
The above is an example of how important it is for those responsible for managing a property to have all repairs dealt with in a timely manner.
This content was exclusively prepared in collaboration with The Lettings Hub by award-winning Woodstock Legal Services.
Woodstock Legal Services are specialists in legal advice and solutions for the Private Rental Sector.
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