
Renters’ Reform Bill

Secretary of State Michael Gove has confirmed to the National Residential Landlord Association that the long-awaited Renters Reform Bill will be presented to Parliament next week. Read the full breakdown of the bill here.

4 thoughts on “Renters’ Reform Bill”

  1. Thats the student housing market broken. The students can leave with two months notice, leaving a landlord with an empty property. Or not at all, leaving the landlord with a property they can’t market, for the following academic year.

    Anti social behaviour in HMOs particularly will now go unchecked. Does Mr Gove really believe this will create more or less availability in the PRS?

    IMHO – The government have taken a thriving sector and decided to strangle it. I am sure they have not thought this through, 2024/5 and there are 0 properties available, will surley make this bill obselete.

  2. So what about the bad tenants, what are you going to do about them. If someone is evicted for social nuisance, not paying rent or trashing the rented property. There should be a public registration, do you not get onto the fact there are professional fraudsters looking foe an easy life, moving from one property to the next, paid for by the state. Wake up and see things for what they are, demonise private landlords, tie us up with rules and regs and tax us to the max, we’re off sort your own mess out,, no more private rental sector.

  3. If landlords can’t cover mortgages the cost of maintenance the property will be repossessed and sold . What protection has landlords got to cover interest rate rises ect

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