NRLA’S response to Good Landlord Charter
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has issued a response to the proposed Good Landlord Charter which seeks to raise standards in the private rented sector in Manchester.
The voluntary, opt-in scheme is intended to improve the standards and bring all parties together to try and improve conditions across both the social and private rented sector.
NRLA’s Policy Director, Chris Norris gave his views at the launch event, and stated that he feels the Charter may provide a helpful guide as to what good standards look like and give good landlords an opportunity to distinguish themselves from those who do not meet those standards.
Chris mentioned how he feels that most private landlords across Greater Manchester ‘provide decent housing and a good service,’ and how he ‘welcomes the consultation’s commitment to ensuring that those landlord’s meeting their obligations are properly recognised.’
Chris is hopeful that the Charter it will help the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the local housing providers to come together and reinforce commitment to helping landlords in meeting the Charter’s criteria.
Chris further highlights, ‘as we consider the proposals it will be vital to ensure that the laudable aims of the Charter are backed up by policies to make them a reality. That should include support for those landlords with the hardest to improve properties, improved enforcement to root out rogue and criminal landlords, and ensuring that content of the Charter is consistent with forthcoming changes in the Renters (Reform) Bill.’
Agents and landlords across the UK will closely monitor the outcomes of the proposals in Manchester, as the success of the initiative could pave the way for further schemes in other locations.
This content was exclusively prepared in collaboration with The Lettings Hub by Sharfaa Kerkache from award-winning Woodstock Legal Services.
Woodstock Legal Services are specialists in legal advice and solutions for the Private Rental Sector.
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